eWAS installation and Configuration

Since long time I know that there exists a eWAS which is express edition, but never played with it.
Today I got a chance to play with and deploy my project in it.

I got the installers from the below urls


Installation :
It's simple zip file which will be extracted to desired location when we pass the path where it has to be
by running the below command

nc184197:/opt/builds/eWAS7 # ./install.sh -installRoot /opt/IBM/EWAS

+       EWAS Version 7.0 Install        +

    Validating target directory ...
    Copying files ...
    Setting permissions ...
    Installation complete.

Now the next job is to create a profile :
nc184197:/opt/IBM/EWAS/bin # ./manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath /opt/IBM/EWAS/profileTemplates/default/ -profileName AppSrv01 -profilePath /opt/IBM/EWAS/AppServer/AppSrv01
INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile AppSrv01 now exists. Please consult /opt/IBM/EWAS/AppServer/AppSrv01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.
nc184197:/opt/IBM/EWAS/bin #
nc184197:/opt/IBM/EWAS/AppServer/AppSrv01/bin # ./startServer.sh server1
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the AppSrv01 profile
ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1
ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.
ADMU3000I: Server server1 open for e-business; process id is 16248
I guess rest of the things are simple and same ...

To create secure profile in normal WAS -
[root@nc9118041006 bin]# ./manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/default/ -profileName AppSrv02 -profilePath /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv02 -enableAdminSecurity -adminUserName krishna -adminPassword krishna

4 comments to "eWAS installation and Configuration"

  • To create a profile in normal WAS 8
    ./manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/default/ -profileName AppSrv01 -profilePath /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/AppSrv01

  • To create secure profile in normal WAS -
    [root@nc9118041006 bin]# ./manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/default/ -profileName AppSrv02 -profilePath /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv02 -enableAdminSecurity -adminUserName krishna -adminPassword krishna

  • To delete a WAS profile
    c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin>manageprofiles.bat -delete -profileName IOSDPProfile

  • To list all profiles
    manageprofiles.bat -listProfiles

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Whoever writes Inappropriate/Vulgar comments to context, generally want to be anonymous …So I hope U r not the one like that?
For lazy logs, u can at least use Name/URL option which doesn’t even require any sign-in, The good thing is that it can accept your lovely nick name also and the URL is not mandatory too.
Thanks for your patience
~Krishna(I love "Transparency")

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