How to upgrade to Android 2.3.X (Gingerbread) from 2.1 (Eclair) using CynogenMod 7.1 (CM 7.1) on Motorola Milestone A853 / A953 ?

How to upgrade to Android 2.3.X (Gingerbread) from 2.1 (Eclair) using CynogenMod 7.1 (CM 7.1) on Motorola Milestone A853 / A953 ?

Before following the below steps to flash your phone with new Cynogenmod7 ROM; make sure that you have taken all necessary backups like contacts, SMS and most used apps etc.

1. Your phone must be rooted before. To root the phone follow the below instructions.(

2. Download the required below files and keep it ready from
    a. Open Recovery - OpenRecovery 1.46 - BR (for update )
        Download from link
    b. Google apps -
    c. CynogenMod ROM -

3. - Search in google and download this file.   

4. Enable USB debugging on your phone from Menu > Settings > Applications > Development and connect it to your computer via USB.

Now Create a Folder structure under sdcard root like below

    |      |
    |      |__scripts
    |      |     |
    |      |     |
    |      |
    |      |__updates
    |            |
    |            |
    |            |
    |            |
    |____ Other_Stuff

Steps to flash your phone with new Android build by CynogenMod:
1. Once the above tree structure is ready on your phone just power off the phone
2. While you Power on; press X button on the physical keyboard on your milestone.
3. Hold ‘X’ until you see a Triangle with an Exclamation mark on it, and then let go of ‘X’.
4. (If required ) Press & Hold the Volume up button and press the camera button. You'll be taken to Android System Recovery.
5. Using D-Pad as cursor and golden button in the middle as ‘Enter’ , Perform a ‘Wipe Data/Factory Reset’ & ‘Wipe Cache Partition’
6. Once done , apply Sdcard
7. You will be taken to Motorola Milestone Open Recovery Version 1.46 .
8. From menu, go to Nandroid > Backup All. This will place a backup of your current ROM in a folder called Nandroid on your SD Card.
9. Move it to a safe location later.
10. Perform a wipe data/factory reset (In case of CynogenMod updates skip this step)
11. Perform wipe > wipe cache partition and wipe Dalvik cache.
12. Apply Update, scroll to ‘update’ and apply.
13. Now Apply  ‘gapps’ and Apply.
14. Go back to Main Menu and reboot system
15. All set to see new CynogenMod logo after Motorola logo :) The first boot may take more time.

Possible errors :
1. E:signature verification failed error - If you get this error , make sure that the file under SDCARD > OpenRecovery > scripts > is fine and readable.
Note : Keep the above tree structure available always on ur sdcard and replace the new updates under updates directory each time when new updates are available.

Reference :

1 comments to "How to upgrade to Android 2.3.X (Gingerbread) from 2.1 (Eclair) using CynogenMod 7.1 (CM 7.1) on Motorola Milestone A853 / A953 ?"

  • Steps to flash your phone with new Android build by CynogenMod:
    1. Once the above tree structure is ready on your phone just power off the phone
    2. While you Power on; press X button on the physical keyboard on your milestone.
    3. Hold ‘X’ until you see a Triangle with an Exclamation mark on it, and then let go of ‘X’.........AFTER THIS STEP NOTHING IS HAPPEN......CAN ANYONE HELP ME PLZZZZZZZZZ MY ID IS PYARA.REHAAN@GMAIL.COM

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Whoever writes Inappropriate/Vulgar comments to context, generally want to be anonymous …So I hope U r not the one like that?
For lazy logs, u can at least use Name/URL option which doesn’t even require any sign-in, The good thing is that it can accept your lovely nick name also and the URL is not mandatory too.
Thanks for your patience
~Krishna(I love "Transparency")

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