Dream home designer software - Google SketchUp

Looking for a good software to design your dream home or office etc, Here is a wonderful free software from Google. It is called SketchUp. It is basically designed for normal computer users. So you need not be a techie to use this. You can see thousands of video tutorials too in their site to understand easily. It became my dream modeling and designing software now.

what is this SketchUp:
Google SketchUp is software that you can use to create, share and present 3D models. Whether you want to design a new deck for your house, build models for Google Earth, or teach geometry to your fifth-graders, you can use SketchUp to see your ideas in 3D. And when you're done, you can export an image, make a movie or print out a view of what you made.

So quickly download SketchUp and start playing with it, and see how is your dream home on your comuter desktop itself with all 3D effects.

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Whoever writes Inappropriate/Vulgar comments to context, generally want to be anonymous …So I hope U r not the one like that?
For lazy logs, u can at least use Name/URL option which doesn’t even require any sign-in, The good thing is that it can accept your lovely nick name also and the URL is not mandatory too.
Thanks for your patience
~Krishna(I love "Transparency")

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